Not only where has it gone, I tell myself, but have I made good use of it? Do you ever feel the same? Looking back at mid-June it was the time to plan what things need to be accomplished during the months ahead.
I remember back then thinking of finishing off a third draft of a novel. Polishing a screenplay called ‘COWBOY’ and hoping my agent finds a producer.
Here’s the logline: ‘A seasoned pro rodeo rider is dragged back to the 1880s to remedy an oversight in a cowboy’s untimely death’. I mentioned this to a friend, “I’ve never heard of a science fiction western," he said. I asked how he got a Sci Fi western out of it. “Because your character goes back in time. And that’s pure science fiction.”
He had a point. Though my story is true to the western genre. I added touches of humor, and what I felt was a good storyline. Writing a screenplay differs from a novel. The characters must visually come off the page while using as little description as possible. Good dialogue drives the plot forward.
You have to ‘see’ the characters come alive on the page.
What’s been on my mind well before the summer started were others things: attacking the pile of lumber and old boards not far from the house. It looked less likely of it being done when my son, Nathaniel and a friend showed up.
They hauled the electric chain saw, checked it over, and attacked the wood. They ended up piling it next to the house, ready for the fireplace come winter.
What’s left? For me, cleaning up the office. You can hardly see the desk for what’s piled on it. Newspaper clippings, notebooks crammed with stuff; and books that haven’t made it back on the shelves where they belong.
My oversized printer bears the weight of two stuffed creatures that catch my imagination, along with a muscular Batman popping out of a recent birthday card.
Author’s comment: What’s left untouched are the eave troughs crammed with leaves and whatever else fell into them. The long cedar deck needs sanding followed by a coat of stain. The windows are patiently waiting for a good cleaning. There’s still September to work on these.