James. As in James Bond.
Don’t ask me why I’m such a Bond fan. But I am. Always have been. Always will be. I doubt if I’ve ever missed even one of them.
They came to life in the late ‘60s. Or close to it. I’d look it up on the Internet to get my facts straight, but it’s down. Dead. Off the air, in our area.
Back to Bond. We tuned in CRAVE TV yesterday, Christmas Day, for a little down time before the BIG dinner. After all the excitement of opening presents, we discovered the entire James Bond films had popped onto the TV screen. One after another.
No commercial breaks. It’s Sunday afternoon now,, Boxing Day as we call it in Canada, and the movies are to continue till noon tomorrow, if I've got it right. Probably with repeats late into the night.
Why I’m addicted to James Bond, first books then film, I’ll never know. Maybe it's the action, the touches of humor. Good plots. I enjoy those with Roger Moore best; not so much George Lazenby who lacked that certain something.
AUTHOR’S COMMENT: Right now I'm watching 'A View to a Kill', to be followed by 'Never Say Never Again'. Then 'The Living Daylights'. My eyes are about to fall out of my head. Then what? Hmm. I can always listen to them...