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  • Writer's pictureClarke Wallace


I have a friend who I not only admire, I envy him. He’s consistent in writing lists. What-to-do lists. He knows exactly what he’s doing when he’ll do it and never misses a deadline.

God knows I’ve tried to write lists. It would help knowing what I’ve lined up for tomorrow. Or the next day. Some things just fall through the cracks. Mind, writing a book or screenplay is a different kettle of fish. You're with it come hell or high water till it's done.

Like a week ago. I was to drive into Toronto and have lunch with someone who insisted I should let him read one of my screenplays. He was impressed I had finished one at 103 pages.

Most screenplays that come by him are more than 120 pages. Plus. I hear, and he never told me, that he’ll either toss those in the shedder, or pass them onto someone on the writing staff to take a read of it. Theses scripts often get lost in the mix.

Author’s comment: I’m asked from time to time where ideas for a story, manuscript or screenplay come from? There’s an easy answer. I have no idea. Other than something catches my attention and I start working on a plot in my head. Then something magical happens. And away I go.

Will it sell? I have faith in it. Otherwise I’d hit delete.

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