Looking back have you ever wondered what life
would be if you hadn’t made such a a decision,
say, about buying a wood stove?
I’m looking at our wood stove. The house had
been built and what the solarium needed at the time
was a wood stove.
We found several locally. The color we decided on
was a blue one, not too light, not too dark.
It came with a big difference in price - the smaller
version a lighter metal while the other was of cast iron
and weighing some four hundred pounds.
Then it hit us. We’ll blow the budget and buy the heavier,
more expensive one. It would help heat our home during
the colder months.
AUTHOR’S COMMENT: We buy two bush cords of split hardwood
delivered each autumn. We pile it all up close to the house. The heat
and delightful scent keeps the smiles on our faces all winter long.