‘TEN BENEFITS of having a German Shepard’, popped
up on my laptop lately. I couldn’t help but grin and nod
at the same time as I read the list.
Number One was particularly right on: ‘An alarm clock.’
At one time, my wife Rosanne reminded me, I would never
have a dog in our bedroom at night. Scratching and little noises
come to mind.
‘Coffee’, the name came with her, never entered the
the bedroom because the door was all but closed.
We leave it slightly ajar now for whatever reason. There’s
often a rustling in the middle of the night. Followed by
Dead Silence. Then another rustling.
This time it’s Rebelle, our four-year-old German Shepherd who
dislikes sleeping alone. She comes in behind her mother and
pushes her snout against my face. She licks it to see if I’m awake.
Or still breathing.
Writer’s comment: Both dogs, Coffee and Rebelle her daughter are
our two--in-one Home Alarm System. Their loud barks, if needed,
would be as good as their bites.