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Writer's pictureClarke Wallace

BOO! scared YOU?

Halloween. There is so much going on today, I thought it a good, scary time to look at the facts and interesting tidbits about the approaching night.

Like once upon a time Jack O’lanterns were first made from turnips. There is no explanation I could find why the switch was made to pumpkins which adds a whole different eeriness to Halloween.

The movie Halloween (1978) came with a really tight budget. Cheap masks turned out to be leftovers from William Shatner’s Star Trek.

Nor did I have ant idea that Halloween is the second biggest grossing commercial celebration after Christmas.

Of those who have a fear of Halloween, it’s called Samhainphobia.

I’m not sure about this, but is seems 50 percent of kids prefer chocolate candy, that includes me, while 24 percent don’t want ‘chocolate' anywhere near it on this night. Which leaves 10 percent hoping gum will be dumped in their bags.

We have to go back to medieval Europe to discover owls were thought to be witches. An owl’s cry meant someone was about to die.

Author’s comment: I like what I read best about Halloween: 1: If a person wears clothes inside out and walks backward, they will see a witch at midnight.

Or this: Scottish girls could see images of future husbands if they hung wet bed sheets in front of the fire on Halloween. That’s enough? I agree. Happy ghosting.

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