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Writer's pictureClarke Wallace

Father's Day

It’s that time of year when we who are lucky enough to be fathers, have praise heaped on us that we might not deserve. With that in mind, I’d like to heap praise on someone who deserves it more than me. Our son. Nathaniel Clarke Wallace 1V. Nathaniel Four, as he often refers to himself.

I remember when he was born. I had spent most of the night pacing the hospital waiting room while Rosanne (Roe) was going through God knows how much to give birth to him.

A nurse appeared holding what looked like a bundle of something in a blanket. “Would you like to see your son?” she asked, easing the bundle into my arms.

And there he was, the tiny little kid, all sort of red and so small. I’d learn later that he was something over eight pounds. “Has my wife seen him yet?” I asked. No came the reply, I was the first in the family to see or hold him.

Nathaniel came into the world 30 years ago this July. He works in public relations. He comes with a good work ethic but more important, he’s got a great sense of humor.

We had several truckloads of split hardwood dumped at the house yesterday, that will feed our wood stove all winter. We had errands to run. Nathaniel said he’d drop by.

Author’s comment: We came home to find what you see below: the bush cords stacked close to the house. He grinned at us and gave us both a hug. This isn’t Father’s Day to me. It should be Son’s Day. He brings us that much joy.

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