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Writer's pictureClarke Wallace


I have no idea where the black card came from. There it was in our roadside green mailbox abandoned some time ago when Canada Post deemed it a hazard for the Postie to deliver our mail, what with the traffic and all.

Ours arrives now at one of those units up the street with God knows how many little keyed cubbyholes servicing the neighborhood. This notice was obviously hand-delivered.

It began with: FREE BOOK REMOVAL Below it: ‘Jan. 19 – March 2. Ideal for getting rid of all that basement clutter. WE PICK UP ALL BOOKS…HASSLE AND COST FREE’.

And the punch line? ‘Your books can help increase literacy’.

And: ‘CALL ARI at 647.689.6066. Or email us

I phoned Ari out of curiosity, asking him what’s with this ‘hassle and cost free pickup of books?’

I could almost feel a shrug coming over the line. “We do that,” he mumbled,” sounding too quiet yet sincere enough. He softened, telling me how it began with his mom scolding his dad for having too many books piling up around the house.

Ari and seven other high school friends found a warehouse to store old books. They began collecting them around the neighborhood. Picking them up by car became too much of a hassle. They now use a van.

The books are shipped out to local places such as Value Village and other non-profit organizations. The biggest haul they’ve ever made from one home? Three hundred boxes.

Author’s comment: If you have books taking up needed space, why not phone Ari? Hmm. I’m sure he’d prefer you send him an email. The younger generation is funny that way.

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