There was this little ant crawling across the living room on the oak floor. It seemed to be minding its own business when I gently brought a finger close yet not touching it. He/she, whatever, knew something wasn’t right and scurried away.
Ask yourself, how did it ever know to do that? What is in its little brain telling it to get the heck out of there? Surely, I told myself, it must have something that warns it of danger. What tells it it’s time to eat? Do other things?
All this points to something that works like a brain.
Take it one step further and it’s not difficult to imagine every living thing has something that helps it think.
The smallest of creatures have some way of knowing what’s going on. They don’t move about like robots without some sense of ‘being’.
Author’s comment: It’s crazy thinking this way, that everything can move or fly on its own. No matter how small. The next time you see an ant, don’t step on it. Don’t whack an innocent fly, mosquito or whatever. Without thinking things happen that we can’t explain.