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Writer's pictureClarke Wallace


There is something about lotteries that’s depressing. Tell me, how many of us have ever won the BIG one? Or even a moderately big prize. It might be for a good cause, but you known darn well there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.

And yet who can resist not buying one??

I’m a sucker when one of those packages arrives in the mail or on your laptop. Take the Princess Margaret HOME Lottery.

Look at the richly photographed package. Staring at you are large windows brightly lit running the length of the building. Two chimneys. Price tag? A $6.6 MILLION GRAND PRIZE. Stuck close to it is a small red sign warning you it ‘SELLS OUT FAST’.

Along the bottom is what seems like a stack of bills. Tucked against the unruly pile is a photo of a red Jaguar.

If you find it impossible to describe the large house, rely on Brian Gluckstein, the architect, telling you, it’s a “perfect blend of classic and contemporary design, The ultimate family home.” Oh yeah?

If this hasn’t convinced you to buy a lottery ticket, there’s a chance to win a smaller home. TAKE A LOOK INSIDE (by ) visiting the Turn the page and you see this: ’3.1 MILLION TORONTO GRAND PRIZE plus $100,000 cash to go along with it.

I’m eager enough to turn the next page where there's a photo of a Muskoka lakefront cottage. Worth just over a million dollars. Plus $100,000 cash. It leaves me weak in the knees.

Next there's a richly photographed cottage with an EARLYBIRD DEADLINE of Midnight 5 November . Or a home for the same amount of money in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Tossed into the mix is a million dollar downtown Toronto Condo. Along with this comes a pair of season tickets to The Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors and the Toronto FC.

Author’s comment: There are more prizes. My brain is bursting with the possibility of winning something. We’re drawn in by all this splendor. Go for it! Why not? It’ll only cost you $100 for a single ticket. $250 3-pack, and more. Hmm. Me? I’ll put the package aside and forget about it. Or try too.

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