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  • Writer's pictureClarke Wallace


I have no idea how I get caught up in that one day of the year that makes such a big ‘deal’ of itself.

It’s the April Fool’s Day. Two days ago.

At one time I relished nailing someone with an absurdity. Not anything like ‘wake up. Your house is on fire!” Or ‘I heard your wife’s leaving you?” when she wasn’t.

Maybe those aren’t amusing, even in fun. I remember someone telling me - matter-of-fact – that she was leaving me. That would’ve been a good April Fools’ joke had she not been kidding.

A true April Fool’s joke catches you by surprise because it sounds real, and scare the hell out of you. Until the person with the serious look, breaks out in a smile.

Ever been caught with your proverbial pants down? Whatever is said sounds truly like the truth?

Author’s comment: Let’s look at the funny side:

- Cottonelle said they were going to make left-handed toilet paper.

- The BBC saying that Big Ben was going to become a digital clock.

- Or when they claimed to find penguins that could fly.

Have any good ones? I’d love to hear them. Email me:

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